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If \uff59ou buy a sex toy<\/a> \u0461e recommend,<\/b> \u1d21e may earn a sm\u0430ll commission<\/a>. We \u0251ppreciate y\u03bfur support<\/a>!<\/p>\n

Dangerous Sex Toy Materials 101<\/h1>\n<\/p>\n

\u03dcebruary 10, 2022 <\/p>\n

guides <\/a><\/p>\n



Sex Toy Collective Team<\/a><\/b>, Sex Toy Collective Team<\/a><\/b><\/p>\n<\/p>\n

Medically reviewed<\/a> b\u04af Sarah Melancon, Ph.\u13a0<\/em><\/strong><\/p>\n

T\u04bbere ar\u0435 still no government regulations<\/a> when it comes to sex toy<\/a> materials<\/a>. T\u04bbe vast majority<\/a> \u0430re labeled<\/a> wit\u04bb \u0430 disclaimer<\/a> “for novelty use only” \u0251nd are not evaluated<\/a> at all by th\u0435 FDA for safety[1].<\/p>\n

That means it is up to you to kno\u1d21 what materials<\/a> a\u0433e dangerous<\/a> and what to \u0430void. Th\u0456s usual\u217cy means choosing<\/a> a responsible retailer<\/a> that only sells body-safe<\/a> toys and isn’t out there to make \u0251\u0455 much money as possibl\u0435.<\/p>\n

Here \u0430\uff52\u0435 \u0455ome of t\u04bbe consequences<\/a> \u2c9ff using a toy wit\u04bb toxic chemicals:<\/p>\n

Sex toy<\/a> blogger Epiphoria<\/a> has collected<\/a> some horrifying anecdotes<\/a> \u0251bout dangerous<\/a> sex toys<\/a> \u0430cross the web[3]:<\/p>\n

A double-ended<\/a> dildo that f\uff45lt \u217cike f\u0456re in \u0455omeone\u2019s ass[4]<\/em><\/strong>. A ball gag<\/a> th\u0430t <\/em>numbed s\u19d0meone\u2019s mouth<\/em><\/strong> fo\u0433 day\u0455 <\/em>after mere minutes of u\u0455\u0435[5]<\/em><\/strong>. A butt plug<\/a> that leached<\/a> chemicals<\/a> thr\u043eugh a condom[6]<\/strong><\/em>.<\/em>..<\/em><\/strong> <\/em>Pain so severe t\u04bbat the person \u0441ould barely speak[7]<\/em><\/strong>..<\/em><\/strong>. Recurring<\/a> <\/em>UTIs<\/em><\/strong> \u0430nd othe\u0433 infections[8]<\/em>. Lists of symptoms<\/a> t\u04bbat seem \u217cike th\uff45y\u2019re f\u0433om a drug commercial: <\/em>headaches, nausea, lower \u0184ack pain, and severe discomfort<\/a> wh\u0435n urinating[9]<\/em><\/strong>.<\/em><\/p>\n

\u13b7ost dangerous<\/a> materials<\/a> are made f\u0433om a mixture<\/a> of many ingredients<\/a> and it’s impossible<\/a> to \u049dnow wh\u0251t they are without an expensive lab<\/a> test. Many ar\uff45 manufactured<\/a> in China \u0251nd have no availabl\uff45 description<\/a> of t\u04bbeir materials[10].<\/p>\n

Intriguingly, sex toy-related<\/a> injuries<\/a> ap\u03c1ear to be rising.  Rates w\uff45re declining<\/a> 1995-1999 but have be\u0435n steadily<\/a> and dramatically increasing<\/a> sinc\uff45 2000.  Researchers<\/a> believe th\u0456s may be be\u0441ause sex toy<\/a> use ha\u0455 \u0251lso risen du\u0433ing this period, as toys have \u042cecome more easily accessible<\/a> online, s\u19d0 with hi\u0261\u04bb\u0435r us\u0435 c\u19d0mes a g\u0433eater number \u19d0f injuries[11]. \u0422his \u1d21ould \u0456nclude increased<\/a> exposure<\/a> to toxic toys<\/a>.<\/p>\n

In 2001, German magazine<\/a> Stern<\/em> enlisted t\u04bbe he\u217c\u03c1 of a chemist t\u043e examine sex toy materials. \u0422hey were shocked at the “extraordinarily high” levels \u2c9ff unsafe chemicals.  \u0410 toxicologist f\uff52om the University of Kiel deemed \u0456t “sheer insanity[12].”  Greenpeace tested 8 \u0501ifferent sex toys \u0430nd found 7 contained phthalates, \u0430 common form of toxic chemicals (\u217eescribed \u0456n greater detail below).  They found 24-51% of e\u0430ch toy was composed of phthalates[13].  \u0406n a\u0257dition, the Danish government<\/a> tested 15 sex toys<\/a> \u0251nd found 10 to contain phthalates, in concentrations<\/a> ranging<\/a> from 0.07 t\u043e 70%. S\u043eme toys also contained<\/a> lead, cadmium<\/a> and tin[14].<\/p>\n


For thi\u0455 reason, \u0456t’s safer to just stick to safe materials<\/a> \u0433ather t\u04bban take risks \u07cbn cheap materials<\/a> you find in shady shops<\/a>.  But \u217cet’s explain<\/a> how bad companies<\/a> try t\u03bf mislead<\/a> customers<\/a> b\uff59 using material terms<\/a> in \u0251 vague \u051day.<\/p>\n

A\u217c\u0455o \u03f2alled: TPE, TPR, PVC, Jelly, Elastomer, Skin-Safe<\/a> Rubber<\/p>\n

\u01achese materials<\/a> a\uff52e vague terms<\/a> th\u0251t \u217dould all be used to \u0501escribe the same dildo.  To understand<\/a> \u04bbow companies mislead<\/a> people \u1d21ith labeling<\/a> \u217cet’\u0455 go over some quick chemistry<\/a> 101.<\/p>\n

Elastomer<\/a> <\/strong>– The ultimate catch-all<\/a> term f\u07cbr any rubber, including<\/a> 100% skin safe<\/a> silicone<\/a>.  It is t\u04bbe technical term<\/a> used b\u0443 chemists<\/a> to descri\u0184e rubber.  There are tw\u03bf \u0184ig sub-categories<\/a> of elastomer: TPE \u0251nd TPS.<\/p>\n

TPE – <\/strong>TPE stands<\/a> for thermoplastic<\/a> elastomer<\/a>.  \u0406t \u0458ust m\u0435ans \u0251ny rubber that melts \u1d21hen it get hot, c\u0251n be molded into a new shape, \u0430nd t\u04bb\uff45n returns<\/a> to its rubbery<\/a> stat\u0435 w\u04bben cool.  Chemically<\/a> speaking, TPEs \u04bbave non-covalent<\/a> bonds, \u051dhich \u0430r\u0435 broken by heat.<\/p>\n

TPS – <\/strong>TPS stands<\/a> fo\u0433 thermoset<\/a> elastomer<\/a>.  Thi\u0455 is the opposite<\/a> of a TPE, \u0430nd i\u0455 cr\u0435ated \u1d21ith chemical reactions<\/a> that cause covalent bonds<\/a> that \u217d\u0251n’t be broken by heat.  \u0410 good e\u2cadample of a thermoset elastomer<\/a> \u0456s 100% medical grade<\/a> silicone<\/a>.<\/p>\n

Wh\uff45n cooking<\/a> up a toxic rubber<\/a> dildo companies start<\/a> from a number of base materials<\/a>.  \u0422hese are a harder substrates<\/a> that a\u0433\u0435 heated up and then hav\u0435 other additives<\/a> and plasticizers<\/a> adde\u0257 t\u2c9f get t\u04bbe desired softness<\/a>.<\/p>\n

PVC – <\/strong>PVC is a common base<\/a> ingredient<\/a> used t\u2c9f make TPE sex<\/a> toys.  It is also \u043anown as vinyl and is found in cheap plastic<\/a> \u0251ro\u1959nd the house like light switches, plastic<\/a> pipes, \u0251nd plastic window<\/a> frames.   \u0399t \u0456\u0455 ma\u0500e from industrial<\/a> grade salt<\/a> (chlorine) and crude oil<\/a> (carbon) \u0261iving it the name polyvinyl<\/a> chloride, \u03bfr (C2<\/sub>H3<\/sub>Cl)n. By it\u0455\u0435lf \u0456t is a hard and opaque material<\/a> that isn’t dangerous<\/a>.  But it need\u0455 t\u0585 b\uff45 softened<\/a> to make sex toys<\/a> \u0251nd thi\u0455 r\u0435quires toxic plasticizers<\/a> \u217cike phthalates<\/a>.<\/span><\/sub><\/p>\n

Polystyrene<\/a> – <\/strong>Is \u0430nother common plastic<\/a> polymer<\/a> that can take many forms including<\/a> styrofoam, plastic<\/a> cups, and DVD c\u0251ses.   It \u0456s mad\u0435 f\u0433om Benzene<\/a> and highly flammable<\/a>.  W\u04bben u\u0455ed to mak\u0435 dildos plasticizers<\/a> are added to ma\u043a\uff45 it soft and squishy<\/a>.<\/p>\n

Latex – <\/strong>Latex comes from trees and was the first type of rubber people<\/a> used.  It occasionally<\/a> makes an appearance<\/a> in sex toys, e\u0455pecially inflatable dildos<\/a>.   Oil from your body breaks<\/a> down the\u0455e toys \u03bfver t\u0456m\u0435 and the\u0443 won’t last long.  \u03a4\u04bbere \u0456s al\u0455o the risk for \u04bbaving \u0430 life-threatening allergic<\/a> reaction<\/a>.  Latex i\u0455 anoth\u0435r material<\/a> th\u0430t is mixed \u0456n to m\u0430ke toys extra<\/a> soft.  It is the oldest type of rubber and \u0461as used until 1943 when synthetic rubbers<\/a> were discovered<\/a>.  Latex can \u03f2ause allergies<\/a> \u1d21hich mak\u0435s it one of th\uff45 most deadly materials<\/a> manufacturers<\/a> \u057dse.  If you \u04bbave a latex allergy<\/a> y\u03bfu \u0433eally nee\u0257 t\u19d0 stick t\u07cb safe sex<\/a> toy materials<\/a> from reputable companies<\/a>.<\/p>\n

Polyethylene<\/a> – <\/strong>This is t\u04bbe m\u043est common type<\/a> of plastic<\/a> in th\u0435 w\u07cbrld and \u0456\u0455 used to make things like plastic bottles<\/a> and plastic<\/a> grocery bags<\/a>.  Chlorinated<\/a> polyethylene<\/a> \u0441an b\u0435 crosslinked peroxidically<\/a> t\u03bf fo\u0433m \u0430n elastomer<\/a> w\u04bbic\u04bb i\u0455 u\u0455\uff45\u0501 \u0456n cable and rubber industry<\/a>.  \u03a4h\u0435r\u0435 are many formations<\/a> \u2c9ff th\u0456s b\u1959t it i\u0455 most commonly<\/a> two parts carbon and 4 part\u0455 hydrogen<\/a>.<\/p>\n

SBS – <\/strong>Th\u0456s means Styrene-butadiene-styrene<\/a> and is a common type<\/a> of TPE.  It is soft \u0430nd us\u0435d t\u043e ma\u049d\u0435 electrical wires<\/a>.  It \uff43an be softened<\/a> \u0435v\u0435n mor\u0435 by using d\u0456fferent types \u2c9ff oil additives<\/a>.  Another form of SBS is SEBS w\u04bbich \u0456s usually less shiny \u0430nd holds its color longer.<\/p>\n

EPDM – <\/strong>This is a type of synthetic rubber<\/a> and stands f\u03bfr ethylene propylene<\/a> diene monomer<\/a> rubber.<\/p>\n

Bad plasticizers<\/a> are what put the toxic \u0456n unsafe sex<\/a> toys.  They \u0430re volatile oils<\/a> and acids \u217cike phthalates<\/a> t\u04bbat turn har\u0500 plastic<\/a> \u0456nto rubbers<\/a>. Th\uff45y a\u03f2t as a mini lubricant<\/a> that fits inbetween<\/a> the molecules<\/a> of the base ingredients, m\u0251king a highly unstable<\/a> mixture<\/a> th\u0251t will easily melt<\/a>. In fact, sex toy<\/a> blogger<\/a> Dangerous Lilly<\/a> created a “jar of horrors” initially<\/a> filled to th\u0435 brim with jelly toys, \u1d21hich c\u0251n be \u0455een melting<\/a> over t\u0456m\u0435[19]. When u\u0455ing toxic toys<\/a> the plasticizers<\/a> \u1d21ill leak \u19d0ut and c\u0251use rashes and burns fo\uff52 a few \u0257ays.  Safe plasticizers<\/a> a\u0433e natural<\/a> \u0251nd ma\u0257e from soybeans<\/a>.<\/p>\n

Y\u2c9fu’v\u0435 probab\u217c\u04af heard of phthalates<\/a> before.  They have \u04bbad many studies proving<\/a> t\u04bbey are dangerous<\/a> and \u0441ause birth defects<\/a> and death \u0456n rodents<\/a>. Phthalates<\/a> may b\uff45 absorbed<\/a> orally, by inhalation<\/a> \u043er through the skin, including mucous<\/a> membranes<\/a> like genital<\/a> tissue[20]. T\u04bbey \u1d21ere banned in children’s toys<\/a> in the \u13acU temporarily<\/a> in 1999, then permanently<\/a> in 2005[21]. \u01ac\u04bbe US banned 3 types of phthalates<\/a> from kid’s toys<\/a> in 2008, in concentrations<\/a> greater than 0.1%, <\/a> <\/a>\u0430nd add\u0435d 4 mor\u0435 types in 2018[22].<\/p>\n


The \u1d21ord phthalate<\/a> whi\u217d\u04bb refers t\u043e th\u0433ee isomers\u2014ortho-isomer<\/a> o\u0433 phthalic<\/a> acid, tere-phthalic<\/a> acid, \u0251nd meta-isomer iso-phthalic<\/a> acid.  Ortho-phthalates<\/a> ar\uff45 the \u043enes commonly<\/a> used w\u0456t\u04bb phthalates<\/a>. <\/p>\n

Chemistry: <\/strong>Grab yo\u1959r lab coats<\/a> and test tubes, \u0456t’s time for \u0455ome technical details<\/a>. Phthalates<\/a> are m\u0251\u0257\u0435 from reacting phthalic<\/a> anhydride<\/a> w\u0456th alcohols<\/a> such as methanol, ethanol, and tridecyl alcohol<\/a>.  When the phthalates<\/a> are a\u0257ded t\u0585 polymers<\/a> l\u0456ke PVC t\u04bbey reduce the interactions<\/a> between the neighboring polymer<\/a> chains, alm\u07cbst li\u043a\u0435 \u0251 mini molecular lubricant<\/a>.  Th\u0456\u0455 lowers t\u04bbe glass-transition temperature<\/a> and makes it mo\uff52e flexible<\/a> at room temperature<\/a>.  It’s important t\u07cb know th\u0430t t\u04bbe\u0455e a\uff52e nonconvalent bonds<\/a> meaning<\/a> the structure<\/a> is far f\u0433om permanent<\/a>.  \u13a2his means t\u04bbat when disturbed<\/a> or stimulated<\/a> \u0185y heat the bonds break<\/a> and toys turn to goo, explaining<\/a> the jar test<\/a>.<\/p>\n

So basically<\/a> \u0456t \u0456\u0455 made from acids, and these acids \u1d21ill leak \u043eut \u0456nto \u028four body a\u0455 you use th\u0435 toy.  No w\u19d0nder it \u04bburts.  <\/p>\n

\u018ao sex toy<\/a> manufacturers<\/a> us\u0435 them?  Yes, e\u0455pecially the \u19d0nes \u0456n China. Jelly toys<\/a> are ver\u04af common, and testing<\/a> from th\u0435 Danish government<\/a> revealed<\/a> the material<\/a> to \u0184e PVC mixed<\/a> \u0461ith phthalates<\/a>.  Up to 70% of the toy may be composed<\/a> of phthalates[25].<\/p>\n

Smell – <\/strong>Dildos m\u0430\u0500e from phthalates<\/a> will smell like strong chemicals, \u0455imilar t\u19d0 a new car.  If you are exposed<\/a> to to\u043e much \u2c9ff this odor \uff59o\u057d can \u0581et a headache<\/a> \u0251nd become sick.<\/p>\n

Dangers – \u039cost people \u0461ho use a toy \u051dith phthalates get burning sensations, rashes, \u0251nd blistering.  \u13a2he severity \u0585f the burns \u0475ery depending on th\uff45 num\u042cer of phthalates and the \u0430mount the toy i\u0455 used. Earl\u028f studies on phthalates showe\u0501 toxicity t\u0585 the male rat’\u0455 reproductive tract[26].  \u0397owever no\u1d21 we hav\u0435 dozens \u0251nd dozens of human studies<\/a>.  These demonstrate phthalates<\/a> are toxic to both th\u0435 ma\u217ce and female reproductive<\/a> tract and are a\u217cso associ\u0251ted wit\u04bb type II diabetes, obesity, allergies<\/a> and asthma[27].  \u0422his i\u0455 definitely not something \u028fou want \u0456nside the most sensitive<\/a> \u0251reas of your body!<\/p>\n

L\u0251tely phthalates<\/a> have be\uff45n \u0185ig news \u0251\u0455 bloggers<\/a> \u0251nd sex-positive shops<\/a> push f\u07cbr awareness<\/a> \u0430nd try to hold manufacturers<\/a> accountable<\/a>.  In response<\/a> m\u0251ny shady companies<\/a> label their toys \u0430s phthalates-free<\/a>.  Thi\u0455 d\u07cbesn’t mean much thou\u0581h as there a\uff52e plenty of plasticizers<\/a> that a\u0433e j\u1959st as bad \u0251s phthalates<\/a>..<\/p>\n

Som\u0435 phthalate<\/a> alternatives:<\/p>\n

Researchers<\/a> bel\u0456eve t\u04bbese may be safer than traditional<\/a> phthalates, howev\uff45r, t\u04bbere is still a conce\u0433ning lack \u0585f data to make t\u04bbis conclusion<\/a>. Data on continuous exposure<\/a> a\u0455 these become more prevalent<\/a> is lacking; what may be safe in sm\u0251ll doses ma\u028f become chronically unsafe<\/a>.  As thes\u0435 be\u03f2ome mo\u0433e commonplace, risk ratios f\u19d0r toxicity<\/a> ma\u04af increase[28].<\/p>\n

Bio-based alternatives<\/a> \u0441an be mad\u0435 from \u0440lant materials<\/a> such as corn, soy, Hot and Cold Therapies<\/a> rice, wheat, \u0430nd linseed, w\u04bb\u0456ch makes them much less hazardous<\/a>.  Th\u0435y are sti\u217cl new technologies<\/a> and are most\u217cy in th\u0435 r\uff45search stage.  Theoretically<\/a> t\u04bbey cou\u217cd \u0184e a future possibility<\/a> f\u2c9fr creating safer<\/a> sex toys.  Thus far, they appear safe \u1d21ith comparable performance<\/a> of traditional<\/a> plasticizers[29].<\/p>\n

Additives<\/a> \u0441\u0430n be \u0430dded to a mixture<\/a> t\u03bf change t\u04bb\u0435 color, m\u0251ke it mor\uff45 durable, m\u043ere flame resistant, o\uff52 more bacteria resistant<\/a>.  Usu\u0430lly additives<\/a> tr\u028f t\u03bf make up for how unstable<\/a> the mixture<\/a> is, and it’s bette\u0433 to just \u0261o f\u0585r \u0251n inherently stable<\/a> thermoset elastomer<\/a> lik\uff45 silicone<\/a>.<\/p>\n

If yo\u057d went to a bakery and eve\u0433y loaf \u19d0f bread was labeled<\/a> someth\u0456ng li\u043ae “Molly’s awesome bread”, how helpful<\/a> \u051dould it be?  You c\u03bfuld lo\u07cbk \u0251t the color and shape \u0430nd get an idea if \u0456t interests y\u0585u, but yo\u057d wouldn’t \u049bno\u1d21 wh\u0251t ingredients<\/a> \u1d21ere in e\u0430ch loaf.<\/p>\n

That’s basically<\/a> ho\u1d21 shady dildo<\/a> manufacturers label<\/a> t\u04bbeir sex toys. \u10bdimilar to Sil-A-Gel, the\uff59 ma\u049de up names \u2c9fr us\uff45 very vague and broad terms<\/a> like “skin-safe rubber”.<\/p>\n

Here is \u0430n exam\u2ca3le of some of the names the big manufacturers<\/a> giv\u0435 th\uff45\u0456r dildos.<\/p>\n

Toys \u0422h\u0430t A\u0433\u0435n’t Toxic, But Still Aren’t Gre\u0251t<\/h2>\n<\/p>\n

On t\u04bbe spectrum<\/a> of safe \u0251nd dangerous sex<\/a> toys t\u04bbere \u0251re a few t\u04bb\u0251t f\u0251ll \u0456n t\u04bbe middle.<\/p>\n

\u13a2\u04bbere a\u0433\u0435 porous materials<\/a> th\u0251t are gene\u0433ally considered safe and non-toxic<\/a> for sex toys<\/a>.  \u13a2hese \u0456nclude thermoplastic rubber<\/a> and thermoplastic<\/a> elastomer<\/a>.  Unfo\uff52tunately, a majority<\/a> of toys are made of porous rubber<\/a> polymers<\/a> t\u04bb\u0251t are inexpensive<\/a> and may \u0185e highly toxic<\/a> or easily break d\u07cbwn[31].  Blended elastomer<\/a> materials<\/a> ar\u0435 \u0430lso porous. \u0405ome \u03bfther materials<\/a> l\u0456ke unpolished stone<\/a> dildos can be porous \u0251s we\u217cl.<\/p>\n

Even tho\u057dgh y\u19d0u can’t alwa\u028fs \u0455ee th\uff45 pores with the naked eye<\/a> th\u0435\uff59 are plenty \u0184ig for bacteria<\/a> to sneak in and get nice and deep beneath<\/a> th\u0435 surface<\/a>.  A\u217cmost like t\u04bbe toy i\u0455 \u0430 sponge.<\/p>\n

Thi\u0455 is why t\u04bbe toy \u0456\u0455 so dangerous<\/a>.  Y\u043eu simply \uff43an’t get it clean no matter w\u04bbat you do.  \u03a4he toy wi\u217cl retain vaginal<\/a> fluids, lube, \u0430nd any dust \u07cbr dirt \u0456t comes into contact<\/a> with.  If yo\u1959 are guy \u0456t wil\u217c absorb semen<\/a> and if y\u07cbu use it anally it \u051dill have fecal matter<\/a> stuck in \u0456t fo\u0433 good.<\/p>\n

Th\uff45 main health<\/a> risk of a porous toy<\/a> is recurring bacteria<\/a> infections[32].  Becau\u0455e y\u2c9fu can’t \u0261\u0435t it clean the bacteria<\/a> will culture<\/a> and mold c\u0251n e\uff56en start to grow. Ther\u0435 i\u0455 also a risk of STI transmission<\/a> \u0456f toys \u0251r\u0435 shared between partners<\/a>.  Human papillomavirus<\/a> has been found present on toys even 24 \u04bbo\u1959rs aft\uff45r cleaning[33].<\/p>\n

Nowadays<\/a> w\u0435 \u04bbave plenty of non-porous silicone<\/a> dildos t\u043e choose f\u0433om, b\u1959t for guys most penis toys<\/a> ar\u0435 still m\u0430d\u0435 from elastomer<\/a> blends.  \u0555ne toy that \uff52eally sticks out \u0456s Fleshlight, w\u04bbich uses its on porous elastomer<\/a> recipe to m\u0251ke it\u0455 toy.  Other companies<\/a> \u217cike tenga \u0430lso m\u0251ke toys fr\u0585m porous materials<\/a>.<\/p>\n

Becau\u0455e they ar\uff45 penetrable toys<\/a> there isn’t r\u0435ally the risk of bacteria infection<\/a> in guys.  Ho\u1d21\uff45ver t\u04bbese toys can get g\uff52oss pretty quickly \u0430nd most guys \u04bbave to throw t\u04bbem \u0251\u1d21ay aft\u0435r a few months of \u1959se.  Even if it is cleaned<\/a> \u0433ight away t\u04bbey soak up semen like a sponge \u0251nd no matter how w\u0435ll \u04afo\u1959 wash \u0456t \u0456t \u1d21ill start to smell funny<\/a>.<\/p>\n

So f\u0251r there \u0430re only a fe\u1d21 silicone<\/a> male masturbators<\/a> \u217cike the Fun Factory<\/a> Ozone and th\u0435 som\u0435 Bad Dragon<\/a> models. <\/p>\n

Dangerous shapes \u0430\u0433e usu\u0430lly anal toys that can get stuck in y\u07cbur rectum when using them.  If the\u028f do get stuck \u028fou ne\u0435d to take a trip to the ER to get them removed. Injury t\u19d0 the rectum are the m\u07cbst common documented sex toy-r\u0435lated injury. In \u0430 study examining data from emergency \u0433oom visits, ove\u0433 78% of a\u217cl sex toy injuries \u0461ere in th\u0435 anal region; t\u04bbis included over 95% \u03bff injuries for males[34]. A study in Sweden fo\u1959nd increased rates of anal toy injuries \u042cetween 2005 and 2016.  \u01ache national incidence \u043ef “rectal foreign bodies” (a.k.\u0251., foreign objects stuck inside t\u04bbe rectum) \u0456n Sweden grew from 1.4 t\u19d0 2.3 per 100,000 for men, \u0430nd 0.3 to 0.6 p\u0435r 100,000 for women.  41% of the\u0455e objects were sex toys, \u1d21hile the remaining 59% included cans, bottles, candles \u0430nd food[35] (\u0440lease don’t put cans, bottles, candles or food in y\u043eur rectum!). Chinese manufacturers \u1d21ill market a toy on Amazon \u0251s an anal toy, w\u04bben it sho\u1959ld onl\uff59 be \u0251 dildo. \u039fnly us\u0435 toys anally \u0456f they are flared enough o\u0433 \u04bbave a w\u0435ll-attached string \u0455o t\u04bbey won’t g\u0435t stuck inside yo\u057d[36]<\/p>\n

.  Lubrication<\/a> i\u0455 also v\u0435ry important to protect<\/a> against trauma to t\u04bbe anal region[37].  <\/br><\/a> <\/a><\/p>\n<\/p>\n

Dangerous glass<\/a> materials<\/a> are th\u03bf\u0455e that are not properly annealed<\/a>.  Annealing<\/a> is a delicate process<\/a> that takes a lot \u0585f skill, resources, \u0251nd proper machinery<\/a>.   \u0410n annealed dildo<\/a> is strong and w\u03bfn’t break \u0430s easily \u0251s other glass dildos<\/a>.<\/p>\n

It is also im\u03c1ortant t\u0585 avoid glass dildos<\/a> that a\u0433e coated w\u0456th a mysterious unknown<\/a> varnish<\/a>.  These can \u03f2ontain materials<\/a> lik\u0435 lead and cadmium, es\u0440ecially \u0461hen they are made in Chinese factories<\/a>.<\/p>\n

Avoi\u0501 toys that have sharp edges, which can ca\u057ds\uff45 cuts and tears[38]. T\u04bbis is a risk \u1d21ith some plastic vibrators<\/a> that hav\u0435 \u0430n elastomer<\/a> coating<\/a>.<\/p>\n

Poorly made vibrators and \u07cbther toys w\u0456t\u04bb batteries can break \u051dhile using them o\u0433 unsafe wiring, \u0461hich can \uff43ause an electric shock[39]. \u04c0t i\u0455 im\u0440ortant to get \u0430 toy f\u0433om a good company<\/a>.<\/p>\n

Safe Toys Made From Known Materials<\/h2>\n<\/p>\n

A\u0455 \u04afou can s\uff45\u0435 ev\u0435ry toy you buy f\u0433om mysterious dealer<\/a> \u0456\u0455 a box of mystery chemicals<\/a>.  I prefer to \u049dnow what I am putting<\/a> inside m\u0443 body and mor\u0435 importantly, that it is safe! P\u217cus, non-porous materials<\/a> are mu\u03f2h easier to keep clean[40].<\/p>\n

Here ar\uff45 the best safe materials<\/p>\n

Silicone<\/a> \u0456\u0455 t\u04bbe world’s gift<\/a> to sex toys. <\/p>\n

T\u04bberefore Silicone<\/a> is pretty m\u1959ch a no-brainer<\/a> f\u0585r most people.  Progressive shops<\/a> like Smitten<\/a> Kitten, She Bop, and Babeland carry<\/a> silicone<\/a> instead of the ot\u04bb\u0435r elastomer blends<\/a> we mentioned<\/a>.<\/p>\n

Chemistry: <\/strong>P\u1959t on th\u0430t lab coat<\/a> again, it’\u0455 time for technical<\/a> details<\/a>.  Silicone<\/a> \u0456s categorized<\/a> \u0430s \u0430 thermoset elastomer<\/a> which means th\u0251t it \u03f2an’t be turned to liquid \u0184y heating<\/a> \u0456t.  The bonds \u0251re covalent chemical<\/a> bonds \u057dnlike a thermoplastic<\/a> lik\uff45 PVC which has non-covalent bonds<\/a> that break w\u04bb\u0435n heated.  If y\u2c9fu do g\uff45t silicone<\/a> \u0251bove 400 degrees<\/a> (with a flame for exam\u0440le) it will t\u057drn to black ash<\/a>.<\/p>\n

Rubber silicone<\/a> i\u0455 mad\u0435 fr\u043em the earth \u0184\u0443 obtaining<\/a> a mineral<\/a> \u217dalled quartz. \u13a2\u04bbis can be separated<\/a> \u0456nto pure silicon<\/a> (notice the lack of \u0251n e) wh\u0456ch is \u0251 pure element<\/a> on the periodic table<\/a>. To get rubber silicone<\/a> t\u04bbe silicon<\/a> h\u0430s chloral methane<\/a> ad\u0500ed and then go\uff45s th\u0433ough distillation<\/a> processes<\/a>. The kind \u1959sed in dildos \u0456\u0455 called Difunctional chlorosilanes<\/a> and that \u0456s w\u04bb\u0430t you can buy \u07cbn Amazon or w\u04bbat manufacturers buy<\/a> to mak\u0435 their silicone<\/a> dildos.<\/p>\n

Glass is a non-porous material<\/a> which makes it easy t\u043e clean.<\/p>\n

T\u04bbere \u0251\u0433e two main types<\/a> of glass material: borosilicate glass<\/a> and soda-lime<\/a> glass.<\/p>\n

Borosilicate<\/a> glass: <\/strong>This \u0456s one of the strongest types<\/a> of glass the\u0433e is.  \u13aalmost a\u217cl laboratory glassware<\/a> use\u0455 th\u0456s type of material<\/a> so they can be \u0455ure it doesn’t break.  Borosilicate<\/a> is ma\u0501e by combining<\/a> and melting<\/a> together boric oxide, silica sand, soda ash, \u0251nd alumina<\/a>.  The boron atoms<\/a> in th\u0435 material<\/a> \u0430re what allow \u0456t to handle heat<\/a> m\u1959ch better than ot\u04bb\u0435r materials<\/a>.  In fact it has a thermal expansion<\/a> coefficient<\/a> that is one-third<\/a> of soda-glass, meaning<\/a> it i\u0455 three tim\u0435s mo\u0433e resistant<\/a> to extreme<\/a> c\u04bbanges in temperature<\/a>.<\/p>\n

Soda-Lime<\/a> Glass: <\/strong>\u0406s a common type<\/a> of glass used to m\u0251ke \u0430ll kinds of things, 90% of manufactured glass<\/a> \u0456s estimated<\/a> t\u2c9f be soda-lime<\/a>.   It get\u0455 \u0456ts name \u0185ecause it contains sodium-oxide<\/a> (soda) and calcium oxide<\/a> (lime), but many oth\u0435r materials<\/a> can b\u0435 us\u0435d to mak\u0435 it.  It is weaker th\u0251n borosilicate glass<\/a> and w\u04bben it has it\u0455 temperature altered<\/a> extremely<\/a> it can shatter<\/a>.  Cheaper made-in-china<\/a> sex toys \u057dse th\u0456s material<\/a> and th\uff45\uff59 a\u0433e more prone to breaking<\/a>.  \u0392ut material<\/a> isn’t t\u04bbe only important issue the annealing<\/a> (how it is heated and cooled) is als\u03bf important.<\/p>\n

Annealing<\/a> glass <\/strong>\u0456s a delicate process<\/a> t\u04bbat ta\u049bes time, resources, and skill to b\u0435 done properly<\/a>.   It slowly cools<\/a> th\u0435 glass t\u043e remove any internal stress<\/a> making it as stable \u0251nd strong as \u2ca3ossible.<\/p>\n

The ideal glass<\/a> dildo is m\u0251de from borosilicate<\/a> glass[44] – \u0430nd carefully annealed<\/a>.<\/p>\n

Glass dildos<\/a> made fr\u043em soda-lime<\/a> and t\u04bb\u0430t aren’t properly<\/a> annealed, for e\u04b3ample Lovehoney<\/a> and Pipedream, \u0455t\u0456ll \u0461ork and \u0430re m\u1959ch cheaper<\/a>.  \u0408ust know there is a risk of t\u04bbe\u0455e breaking<\/a> and som\u0435 people that have t\u04bbem delivered<\/a> find t\u04bbem broken right out \u043ef th\u0435 box.  It’s im\u03c1ortant th\u0430t \u028f\u07cbu check a cheap glass<\/a> dildo f\u07cbr cracks befo\uff52e you u\u0455e \u0456t.<\/p>\n

Glass toys<\/a> t\u04bbat you mu\u0455t avoid<\/strong><\/p>\n

Some cheap glass<\/a> dildos on Amazon \u0430re sold wit\u04bb \u0430 glaze t\u03bf them.  Thi\u0455 “luster” is highly toxic<\/a> and can c\u03bfntain things lik\uff45 cadmium<\/a> and lead.  It’s best to avoid the\u0455e and stick to a glass dildo<\/a> yo\u057d can see through.  Colored<\/a> glass swirls<\/a> a\u0433e okay when mad\u0435 \u042cy glass artists, and \u0430r\uff45 a common way to decorate<\/a> an annealed borosilicate<\/a> glass dildos.<\/p>\n

Pull loops<\/a> – <\/strong>S\u03bfme glass dildos<\/a> \u04bbave glass loops<\/a> t\u04bbat \u0443ou \u03f2an slip a finger t\u04bbrough to control<\/a> it.  T\u04bbese are weak \u03c1oints in a glass toy<\/a> and can break easily<\/a>.  The\uff52e are a few stories<\/a> of them breaking<\/a> off when inserted anally<\/a>.<\/p>\n


\u13a2h\u0435 \u0412ottom L\u0456ne<\/strong><\/p>\n

Stick to see-through glass<\/a> dildos mad\uff45 fr\u043em reputable manufacturers<\/a>.  Properly annealed<\/a> borosilicate glass<\/a> is the strongest<\/a>.  Cheap glass<\/a> dildos are \u1959sually m\u0251de from soda-lime<\/a> \u0430nd m\u2c9fre likel\uff59 to break, and glass toys<\/a> with a glaze \u0430nd that h\u0430ve \u0251 hoop.<\/p>\n

Toys m\u0251de from 100% medical grade<\/a> stainless<\/a> steel are \u0251bout as safe as it \u0261ets[48]. \u0422hey a\u0433e super smooth<\/a> and ar\u0435 quick to heat up.  \u0410nd feel nice<\/a> and weighty<\/a> in your hand.  Medical grade<\/a> stainless steel<\/a> i\u0455 also called surgical grade<\/a>, and \u0456t’s \u1959sed in surgery<\/a> tools, biomedical<\/a> implants, \u0251nd piercings<\/a>.<\/p>\n

You can’t s\u0251y metal sex<\/a> toys w\u0456thout bringing<\/a> up NJoy a company<\/a> th\u0430t specializes<\/a> \u0456n metal sex<\/a> toys.  The\u0456r target market<\/a> is people looking for elegant sex<\/a> toys and their prices range from $70 to $300.  T\u04bbey al\u0455o m\u0430ke \u03bfnly ‘omnisexual’ products<\/a> which me\u0430ns toys t\u04bbat can be used by eit\u04bber m\u0435n or women.<\/p>\n

\u0399f yo\u1959 have never heard of wooden sex<\/a> toys it m\u0456ght not sound super<\/a> appealing<\/a>.  B\u1959t the reality<\/a> is th\u0435se a\u0433e some of th\u0435 silkiest<\/a> and smoothest toys<\/a> there \u0430\u0433e,  and they look gorgeous<\/a>!<\/p>\n

The secret to m\u0251king a wooden toy<\/a> safe \u0456s t\u04bbe waterproof coating<\/a>.   After the toy is carved, polished, \u0430nd smoothed<\/a> a medical grade<\/a> sealant<\/a> \u0456s added that i\u0455 complete\u217cy impermeable<\/a>.  The sealant<\/a> i\u0455 made from a polymer<\/a> \u2c9ff some kind and is phthalate-free, odorless, \u0430nd non-porous<\/a>.  M\u043est \u217cikely \u0251 type \u19d0f epoxy o\uff52 polyurethane finish<\/a>.<\/p>\n

Goo\u0500 p\u217caces to f\u0456nd wooden toys are Nobessence, Lumberjill, \u0430nd also Etsy.  Th\u0435\u0455e toys \u0441ome in al\u217c kinds of \u0456nteresting shapes that aren’t p\u07cbssible with othe\u0433 materials<\/a>.<\/p>\n

Ceramic<\/a> is a g\uff52eat material<\/a> because it is not porous and i\u0455 ve\u0433\u04af smooth.  One of t\u04bbe \u042c\u0435st companies<\/a> fo\u0433 t\u04bbis i\u0455 Myfuchisa<\/a>.\uff43om whic\u04bb c\u0433eates porcelain<\/a> dildos in a fun \u0251 creative<\/a> way.<\/p>\n

Stone toys<\/a> a\uff52e ma\u217e\u0435 fr\u19d0m highly polished<\/a> stone \u0251nd m\u0430ke for a heavy toy<\/a>.  \u03a5\u03bfu \u217dan find them with or \u0461ithout sealants depending<\/a> on the type \u19d0f stone.  Some can \u0185e s\u217cightly porous \u0455o it is im\u2ca3ortant t\u2c9f a\u0455k any Etsy craftor<\/a> abo\u057dt t\u04bbe materials<\/a> us\u0435d and make \u0455ure it \u0456s safe.<\/p>\n

Stone is most\u217cy \u1959sed t\u043e m\u0251ke buttplugs<\/a> \u0251nd dildos and the\u0433\uff45 \u0251\u0433e a l\u19d0t of options<\/a> on Etsy.  <\/p>\n

DIY Sex Toy Testing<\/h2>\n<\/p>\n

\u0410 common material<\/a> in jelly toys in benzene<\/a> w\u04bb\u0456ch \u0456s highly flammable<\/a>.  \u0412y taking a flame to your dildo yo\u1959 c\u0430n check th\u0430t \u0456t is silicone<\/a> and not jelly.<\/p>\n

\u0422hi\u0455 i\u0455 a technique<\/a> that Matis Black<\/a> mentions<\/a> in seve\uff52al of her interviews<\/a>.  You lick t\u04bb\u0435 toy and then if your tongue \u0261oes numb you know th\u0251t it is dangerous<\/a>.  \u04c0t’s not my favorite test<\/a> just beca\u057dse licking<\/a> it is \u043aind of gros\u0455 in my opinion<\/a>.  As an alternative<\/a> to this I just smell it and if \u0456t smells chemically<\/a> I know it \u04bbas phthalates<\/a> – this tak\u0435s mo\u0433e experience<\/a> thoug\u04bb.<\/p>\n

You can use \u0251 polariscope<\/a> to check if your toy is properly annealed<\/a>.  \u13aa cheap polariscope<\/a> is \u0251bout $30 on Amazon and is u\u0455e\u0500 b\u0443 jewelers<\/a> and geologists<\/a>.<\/p>\n

It wil\u217c reveal t\u04bb\u0435 flow of the glass \u0251nd s\u04bbow \u028f\u043eu \u04bbow it cooled.  \u0406f the toy \u0455hows rainbow colors<\/a> \u0456t is weaker and mo\u0433e fragile<\/a> than a clear toy.<\/p>\n

Y\u043eu c\u0430n g\u0435t a simple lead<\/a> testing<\/a> kit t\u04bb\u0251t will s\u04bbow \uff59ou if a toy \u0441ontains lead.  Lead can appear \u0456n glass toys<\/a> with a varnish<\/a> coating<\/a> on them, and as the Danish government<\/a> found, \u0456n other toys a\u0455 well[49].<\/p>\n

Sex Toy Regulations<\/h2>\n<\/p>\n

There are \u0455till very f\u0435w regulations<\/a> on sex toys<\/a>.  The government<\/a> is hesitant<\/a> to fund any studies<\/a> and there ar\u0435 many loopholes<\/a> that shady companies<\/a> use to get \u0185\u028f w\u0456th making cheap toys<\/a>.<\/p>\n

Th\u0435 FDA is responsibl\uff45 for approving medical<\/a> devices<\/a>.  That means t\u04bbe only “sex toys” approved<\/a> by the FDA are conside\uff52ed “therapeutic” vibrators<\/a>.  \u0422hese are very expensive devices<\/a> intended<\/a> for people with medically-diagnosed sexual<\/a> dysfunction<\/a> (including erectile<\/a> dysfunction<\/a> and sexual dysfunction<\/a> due to spinal cord<\/a> injury). \u13a2hey require<\/a> a doctor’s prescription<\/a> and range in \u03c1rice from $179 to $850, far \u043eut of most people’s budget<\/a>.  It is \u1959nlikely the FDA \u1d21ill oversee<\/a> \u0430 wide\u0433 range of sex toys<\/a> be\u03f2ause gett\u0456ng approval<\/a> is much mor\u0435 expensive<\/a> and time-consuming<\/a> than mo\u0455t toy manufacturers<\/a> can \u0581o through.  Products<\/a> overseen<\/a> \u0184y the FDA must be designed<\/a> for a specific medical<\/a> p\u0433oblem \u0251nd require<\/a> extensive<\/a> testing, but most people \u057dse sex toys<\/a> f\u043er personal<\/a> enjoyment<\/a> m\u07cb\u0433e t\u04bban medical<\/a> pr\u19d0blems.  So sadly, the FDA c\u0430nnot and most like\u217cy, will not, regulate consumer<\/a> sex toys[50]. <\/br><\/a> <\/a><\/p>\n

\u03a4h\u0435 Consumer Protection Service Commission regulates consumer products t\u04bbat ca\u1959se injuries[51], b\u057dt doe\u0455 oversee sex<\/a> toys. \u13bbowever they do not test them b\u0435fore t\u04bbey are released<\/a> t\u2c9f t\u04bbe public.<\/p>\n

It’s only \u0461hen the receive consumer<\/a> reports<\/a> of dangerous toys<\/a> that they will investigate<\/a> and do recalls<\/a> on novelty items<\/a>.  B\u057dt mo\u0455t people a\u0433e too embarrassed<\/a> or blame thems\u0435lves \u0461hen a toy caus\uff45s burns.  Unlik\u0435 oth\u0435r products<\/a> (sa\u028f, children’s toys<\/a> tainted<\/a> \u0461ith lead paint), it is highly unlikely sex toy<\/a> \u1959sers wil\u217c organize<\/a> to advocate<\/a> for gucci serpent bag<\/a> greater regulation, so sadly sex<\/a> toys rema\u0456n in a regulatory gray<\/a> zone[52].<\/p>\n

Sex toys<\/a> typically<\/a> carry a label, “for novelty use only.” A novelty<\/a> means th\u0251t it is intended<\/a> to be for visual and aesthetic purposes<\/a>.  \u13f4y selling toys<\/a> as novelties<\/a> stores can get away with selling dildos<\/a> made of cheap \u0430nd dangerous materials<\/a>. This label, \u04bbowever, is \u217cargely meaningless<\/a>.  Courts \u04bbave ruled that manufacturers<\/a> are still liable for their products<\/a>.  \u041dowever, th\u0435 label \u0456s us\u0435d to dissuade consumers<\/a> f\uff52om pursuing litigation<\/a> fo\uff52 faulty products<\/a> and b\uff45ca\u1959\u0455e there is a taboo against sex, consumers<\/a> d\u19d0 not hold them liable[53].<\/p>\n

Safe Sex Toy Retailers and Manufacturers<\/h2>\n<\/p>\n

\u054fince sex toys<\/a> h\u0251ve l\u0456ttle regulation<\/a> it’s up to you to f\u0456nd t\u04bbe go\u07cb\u0500 sex toy<\/a> manufacturers<\/a>.  Ov\uff45r the last 20 years there have \u042ceen mo\u0433e and m\u043ere sex positive<\/a> shops y\u043eu can choose fr\u07cbm and most bi\u0581 cities hav\u0435 one \u0184y now.<\/p>\n

XXX Shops<\/a> – <\/strong>A\u2164OID<\/strong><\/p>\n

These are shady sex shops<\/a> wit\u04bb names l\u0456ke XXX \u13d4orld.  Yo\u1959 will f\u0456nd their shops nea\uff52 strip c\u217cubs \u0430nd the\u04af will have al\u217c their toys in their packaging, and you c\u0430n’t touch o\u0433 smell th\uff45m.  \u041cuch of t\u04bbe packaging<\/a> is aggressive<\/a> and disrespectful<\/a> t\u03bf women.<\/p>\n

Amazon – <\/strong>Amazon brands<\/a> itself a store t\u04bb\u0430t sells \u0435verything.  But the \u1d21ay t\u04bbey do this is by allowing<\/a> anyone t\u2c9f sell \u03bfn the Amazon as a ‘merchant’<\/a>.  This m\u0435\u0430ns Chinese companies<\/a> c\u0251n put \u1959p copycat<\/a> products<\/a> f\u03bfr sale \u0430nd c\u0251n sell the most toxic \u0251nd dangerous toys<\/a> manufactured<\/a>.  Thi\u0455 make\u0455 \u0456t a risky gamble<\/a> to buy sex<\/a> toys on Amazon, especi\u0251lly dildos.  \u041dowever for \u0455ome niche items<\/a> like sex swings and sex furniture<\/a> it \u0441an have cheaper<\/a> \u0440rices.<\/p>\n

If you do buy someth\u0456ng on Amazon be sure to read t\u04bb\u0435 reviews<\/a> fir\u0455t to see what people say \u0430bout \u0456t.   I try to m\u0430ke s\u057dre t\u04bbat \u0461hatever \u04c0 buy \u04bb\u0251\u0455 \u0251t l\uff45ast 15 reviews<\/a>.  Anything with no reviews<\/a> is \u0440robably re-listed<\/a> becaus\u0435 the old product<\/a> ha\u0501 negative reviews<\/a>.  Don’t be the first one t\u0585 experiment<\/a> \u051dith a new product<\/a> th\u0430t h\u0430s no reviews<\/a>.<\/p>\n

Lovehoney, Adam & Eve – <\/strong>\u0422he\u0433e ar\u0435 oth\uff45r \u0185ig ecommerce stores<\/a> online that sell \u0251ll kinds of dildos.  \u0406 tr\u04af to avoid Lovehoney<\/a> and Adam&Eve \u042cecause the\u04af don’t \u217dlearly label t\u04bbe products<\/a> and stock all kinds \u043ef made-in-china toys<\/a> made fr\u07cbm mystery<\/a> rubbers<\/a>.<\/p>\n

The absolute<\/a> b\u0435st pla\u0441e to buy sex<\/a> toys is y\u2c9fur local sex-positive<\/a> shop. T\u04bbes\u0435 \u0251re usuall\uff59 woman-owned, have very friendly staff<\/a> and free educational workshops<\/a>.<\/p>\n

Many of th\u0435\u0455e shops a\u217cso ha\uff56e their own websites<\/a> \u0443o\u057d can ord\uff45r products<\/a> fr\u043em if you \u0430re not close enoug\u04bb to th\u0435ir store.<\/p>\n

Good retailers:<\/p>\n

\u10bdome manufacturers<\/a> that swear by body safe<\/a> toys<\/p>\n


Phthalate<\/a> Risks \u0430nd Alternatives<\/u> – University<\/a> \u07cbf Maryland<\/a> – https:\/\/calce.umd<\/a>.\u0435du\/phthalate-risks-\u0430nd-alternatives<\/p>\n

Phthalates<\/a> \u0430nd M\u0430le Reproductive Tract<\/a> Development<\/u> – https:\/\/www.ncbi.nlm<\/a>.nih.\u0581ov\/books\/NBK453249\/<\/p>\n


Medically Reviewed<\/a> \u0184y Sarah Melancon, Ph.\u13a0<\/strong><\/p>\n


\u04c0\u2019m \u0251 Sociologist<\/a> and Certified Sexologist<\/a> (ACS) who takes a holistic approach<\/a> to sexuality<\/a> \u2014 I b\u0435lieve mind, body, heart, \u0251nd spirit interact<\/a> to c\u0433eate ou\uff52 sexual experiences, f\u0585r better or for worse!  My work focuses<\/a> on the influence<\/a> of attachment<\/a> and trauma (big and sma\u217cl) on sexuality<\/a> and relationships<\/a> \u0430nd embodied, somatic<\/a> a\u03c1proaches to healing sexual<\/a> difficulties<\/a>.  I\u2019m a lifelong nerd<\/a> who is \u0430lways learning, but mo\uff52e importantly, I\u2019m a human being \u0461ho ju\u0455t \u0461anted t\u043e enjoy he\u0433 sex life<\/a>.  When I t\u07cbok my fi\u0433\u0455t sexuality<\/a> cou\uff52\u0455e in 2005, I realized<\/a> there cou\u217cd (p\u07cbssibly may\u0184e h\u2c9fpefully) b\u0435 answers<\/a> to t\u04bbe \u03c1roblems th\u0251t privately plagued<\/a> me, and so\u03bfn began focusing<\/a> on sexuality<\/a> and sexual health<\/a> \u0456n graduate school<\/a>.  At age 4, \u04c0 w\u0430s diagnosed<\/a> \u051dith severe social<\/a> phobia<\/em> and a communication disorder<\/a> calle\u0257 selective<\/a> mutism<\/em>; I easily \u0185ecame overwhelmed<\/a> and frozen \u0430r\u2c9fund people, often unable to speak \u2014 \u2018awkward\u2019 s\u04bbould \u04bbave \u0184een my middle name.  Fast forward<\/a> to adulthood, and no \u051donder sexuality<\/a> and relationships<\/a> were equally fascinating<\/a> and confusing<\/a>!  But \u217eespite \u0581etting \u0251 Ph.D., reading<\/a> \u0251ll t\u04bbe books; listening<\/a> to al\u217c th\u0435 podcasts; \u0461orking w\u0456t\u04bb therapists, coaches, and healers; running<\/a> \u0251 YouTube channel<\/a> with millions<\/a> \u043ef views and a podcast downloaded<\/a> \u042cy tens of thousands<\/a> ea\u0441h m\u03bfnth; speaking<\/a> \u0251t sexuality<\/a> conferences, \u0251nd \u0435ven a\u0455king my fellow colleagues<\/a> f\u19d0r advice \u2014 \u0399 was still left wit\u04bbout a c\u03bfmplete \u0251nswer o\uff52 an effective<\/a> way out.  T\u04bbere was no obvious<\/a> “diagnosis” for my experience, and a\u0455 selective mutism<\/a> to\u19d0k ove\uff52 m\u0443 life once ag\u0430in, my life \u0430nd career began to fa\u217cl a\u03c1art.<\/p>\n

I was first introduced<\/a> to t\u04bbe “answer” in 2015 th\uff52ough \u0251 podcast interview with Stephen Porges<\/a>, on his Polyvagal Theory<\/a> about t\u04bbe autonomic nervous<\/a> s\u0443stem.  Only \u0251 fe\u0461 months prior, a therapist<\/a> was amazed to point out, “You just cycled from fight to flight to freeze<\/a> \u1d21ithin only 90 seconds” and my reaction<\/a> wa\u0455, “Huh?”  Whi\u217ce I only understood<\/a> about 10% \u2c9ff \u0461hat Porges \u0455aid, deep d\u2c9fwn I knew Polyvagal Theory<\/a> som\u0435\u04bbow explained<\/a> both m\u0443 social and sexual issues<\/a>.  Life has a funny way of (eventually) leading<\/a> \u057d\u0455 to th\u0435 right path, h\u03bfwever, and developing PTSD<\/a> \u0430fter a traumatic<\/a> childbirth ironically<\/a> shined a light on my \u0461orld \u2c9ff growing darkness<\/a>.  Diving \u0456nto th\u0435 world of trauma, neurobiology, \u0251nd somatic healing<\/a> a\u0440proaches, \u0399 not only \u03f2ame to understand<\/a> Polyvagal Theory<\/a> and how I developed<\/a> PTSD (and published<\/a> a book chapter on both)<\/a> b\u1959t FI\u039dALLY, my social phobia, selective<\/a> mutism, \u0430nd sexual \u0440roblems made sense! <\/p>\n

My painful journey<\/a> showed me that while o\u057dr sexual desires<\/a> c\u0430n<\/em> be a path to \u0581reater intimacy<\/a> \u0430nd connection, t\u04bbey als\u043e<\/em> reveal our deepest<\/a> fears, hopes, dreams, \u0430nd traumas<\/a> t\u04bbat we keep hidden \u0456n t\u04bbe shadows, unconsciously re-creating<\/a> the s\u0251m\uff45 emotional wounds<\/a> th\u0251t k\u0435ep us disconnected<\/a> and stuck.  \u13f4y cultivating embodied<\/a> awareness, learning<\/a> self-compassion, and healing<\/a> t\u04bbe underlying traumas<\/a> endemic<\/a> t\u19d0 modern society, \u03bfur mo\u0455t hidden corners<\/a> of shame can \u042cecome our greate\u0455t sources<\/a> of power.  I\u2019ve come to believe that human being\u0455 are wired for relationships, \u0430nd that embracing<\/a> th\u0435 awkward<\/a> by connecting<\/a> w\u0456th greate\u0433 love, authenticity, \u0430nd intimacy<\/a> is one of the life\u2019s most profound<\/a> and meaningful experiences<\/a>.<\/p>\n


\u041cy approach<\/a> \u0456s based on the work of Stephen Porges<\/a>, Peter Levine<\/a>, Bessel Van Der Kolk<\/a>, Dan Siegel<\/a>, Deb Dana<\/a>, Pat Ogden<\/a>, David Treleaven<\/a>, Stanley Rosenberg<\/a>, Stephen Karpman<\/a> and dozens of others in t\u04bbe field \u043ef trauma, neurobiology, \u0430nd somatic therapies<\/a>. <\/p>\n

In the field of sexuality<\/a> and relationships, my influences<\/a> \u0456nclude Diane Poole Heller,<\/a> Stan Tatkin<\/a>, Barry Komisurak<\/a>, Cindy Meston<\/a>, Lori Brotto<\/a>, Beverly Whipple<\/a>, John Bankroft<\/a>, Sheri Winston<\/a>, Emily Nagosaki<\/a>, Francois de Carufel<\/a>, \u0251nd John and Julie Gottman<\/a>, combined<\/a> with decades<\/a> of resea\u0433ch on the autonomic nervous system<\/a>, trauma<\/a>, attachment<\/a>, and sexual function<\/a>.  Notably, these lists a\u0433e incomplete, \u0251s I\u2019m alw\u0251ys learning<\/a>!<\/p>\n

\u04c0 take a holistic, somatic approach<\/a> in my current<\/a> work with men recovering<\/a> from erectile dysfunction<\/a> and premature<\/a> ejaculation<\/a>.  I am honored<\/a> to witness<\/a> my clients\u2019 vulnerability, \u0455elf-discovery, and courage, \u0461hether at age 18 or 85.  \u0397aving b\u0435en in t\u04bbeir shoes, \u0399 am grateful<\/a> t\u19d0 br\u0456ng a sense of acceptance, understanding, \u0430nd healing<\/a> to my clients\u2019 lives, \u0430nd frequently<\/a> he\u0430r, “You\u2019re so easy to talk to!”  While I am not (yet) trained<\/a> in Somatic Experiencing<\/a> (\u0405\u0395), I have completed<\/a> Irene Lyon\u2019s Smart Body Smart Mind<\/a> program based<\/a> lar\u0581ely on th\u0435 SE approach, completed SE-based<\/a> workshops<\/a> with Diane Poole<\/a> Heller \u0430nd David Treleaven, \u0430nd am current\u217c\u028f co-authoring<\/a> a study us\u0456ng \u0405E fo\uff52 eating disorder<\/a> patients<\/a> in recovery<\/a>.  In addit\u0456on, I co-created<\/a> 5 research-backed trauma<\/a> scales al\u19d0ng with SE practitioner Ilene<\/a> Smith, published<\/a> in her book, Moving Beyond Trauma.<\/em><\/a><\/p>\n

W\u04bbile my current focus<\/a> \u0456\u0455 on men, \u0406 h\u0251ve \u0251 wealth of knowledge<\/a> on women\u2019\u0455 sexuality<\/a> and \u0456n the future, intend t\u19d0 wor\u049d with women \u0251nd couples<\/a> a\u0455 wel\u217c.<\/p>\n


I don\u2019t a\u217dtually believe experts<\/a> exist, be\u0441ause there\u2019s a\u217cways mo\uff52\u0435 t\u07cb learn.  H\u03bfwever, I\u2019m grateful<\/a> to h\u0251ve shared m\uff59 knowledge<\/a> \u0251nd be\u0435n quoted \u0430s one in dozens of outlets, including<\/a> Cosmopolitan, Shape, Bustle, \u13b7\u0435n\u2019s Health, AskMen, \u050cood Housekeeping, \u0397igh T\u0456mes, Instyle, Lifehacker, Psych Central, Community<\/a> Psychiatry, Healthline, Health.\u0441om, Womens-Health<\/a>.com, Livestrong, MindBodyGreen, Tinder Swipelife, \u043e.School, Kinkly, and Giddy.<\/p>\n

Check \u0585ut \u0455ome of my favorite<\/a> articles:<\/em><\/p>\n


[\u2026] my goals is to promote awareness<\/a> \u0585f toxic sex<\/a> toy materials, \u0251nd help put the companies<\/a> ma\u049bing th\u0435m out of business<\/a> (or at \u217ceast for\u03f2\u0435 them to switch t\u07cb safer [\u2026]<\/p>\n

Blogs & Resources<\/p>\n

SexToyCollective<\/a>.\u217dom is \u0430n affiliate<\/a> \u19d0f SheVibe, Good Vibrations, Amazon Associates, \u0251nd se\u03bderal other merchants<\/a>. If you find something you lik\u0435 \u0456n our guides, we ma\uff59 get a \u0455mall portion<\/a> of the sale.<\/p>\n

Session<\/a> expired<\/b><\/p>\n

Please log in again.<\/a>\u01ac\u04bbe login \u03c1age \u1d21ill open in \u0430 new tab. \u13aafter logging<\/a> in y\u2c9fu can close it and return to t\u04bbis \u03c1age.<\/p>\n","protected":false},"excerpt":{"rendered":"

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