5 Avon Planet Spa Gift Set Projects For Any Budget

Avon Planet Spa Products – Pamper Yourself With the Pampering Chocolate Body Whip and the Pampering Chocolate Face Mask

Avon planet spa products allow you to enjoy a spa experience at home. Just slather on the Pampering Chocolate Body Whip after you shower. It hydrates your skin, while leaving it with a light chocolate scent. Then, treat yourself to Perfectly purifying body butter and the Pampering Chocolate Face Mask.

Heavenly Hydration Body Cream

Rich, moisturizing cream infused with olive oil is the Mediterranean beauty secret. It provides lasting, deep moisturization, and Avon Planet Spa products is packed with natural extracts from olive leaf, seed and oil. Smooth evenly all over your body when needed.

Avon’s exclusive blend of anti-oxidants that protect the skin. Its non-greasy formula is enhanced with moisturizing beads that give an additional boost of vitamin-rich olive oil when they dissolve on the skin’s surface. This leaves it soft and smooth. This heavenly moisturizer is also infused with a light and soothing scent that is free of allergens and is suitable for sensitive skin.

This luxurious product is a customer favorite that offers a spa-inspired scent of soothing lavender, crisp greens and sandalwood. It’s a rich, heady scent that’s free of allergens and gentle on the skin.

Desertcart ships the Avon Planet Spa Heavenly Hydration Body Cream 200 Ml to Botswana and many other cities. Desertcart Plus members enjoy unlimited free shipping to 164 countries. Get it now!

Perfectly Purifying Body Butter

The Perfectly Purifying Body Butter detoxes and cleanses. It contains a blend of shea butter and aloe, it gently cleanses your skin while soothing it. It has a floral scent with hints of basil and lavender and 88 mg magnesium. Massage the equivalent of a heaped tablespoon over your body prior to bed and breathe in the relaxing scent.

Avon Planet Spa products allow you to indulge in spa treatments at your home. If it’s a manicure, pedicure, a face mask or bath salts, these products will help you relax. Make use of the AVON products that are best suited to your requirements to indulge yourself.

AVON Planet Spa brings the Perfectly Cleansing Body Cream that is made with Dead Sea Minerals from Yemen. It is available for purchase through a trusted vendor desertcart. Desertcart is a verified site with more than 164 countries, and has been in operation since the year 2014. You can shop with confidence knowing that your purchase will be safely delivered to your doorstep. Utilizing the most up-to-date technology and software desertcart is committed offering a secure online shopping experience to customers around the world. Desertcart safeguards its customers’ privacy by offering secure and encryption connections to its website.

Pampering Chocolate Face Mask

If you use it regularly when used regularly, a face mask with chocolate can help to clear acne-related blemishes as well as reduce inflammation from acne breakouts. It also keeps skin hydrated and looking soft. Dark chocolate is rich in antioxidants that reduce stress, Avon Planet Spa products which can contribute to breakouts on the skin and blemishes. It is a natural mood booster.

This vegan, cruelty free face mask is great for all types of skin. It’s packed with soothing ingredients like cocoa, honey and coconut milk. It also has powerful antioxidants and anti-aging powerhouses like CoQ10, carrot cell, and ginseng extract. Its reviewers say it smells delicious and it moisturizes the skin. It is not as effective for those who suffer from sensitive skin and rosacea.

Apply a facemask once a week, or when you need to. Apply the mask evenly and apply it for 20 to 25 minutes. Rinse the mask with water afterward. It is important not to let the mask dry completely because it can cause irritation to the skin. It’s recommended to also use cold or lukewarm water to wash off the mask. Also, don’t apply pressure to the face or you can damage the skin. The best method for removing the face mask is to gently massage the skin using your fingertips in circular motion.

Pampering Chocolate Body Cream

This deliciously fragrant, luxuriously creamy cream will pamper you. It is packed with cocoa extracts to soothe your senses, while leaving your skin silky smooth.

Slather this whipped chocolate body butter on your skin after you have washed and massage it into your skin. It is made up of kokum butter shea butter, cocoa butter and grapeseed oil, all which is infused with chocolate. It is very light in consistency and absorbs well. It also has an amazing chocolate scent that is just so enticing! This is the perfect item for moms who want to indulge themselves. This product is packaged in a convenient, user-friendly jar. Desertcart delivers this product to the 164 countries. You can buy it online in a safe and secure manner without worrying about shipping or customs charges.

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